You must not live in a house before blessing it and dedicating it, for instance, to one of the seventy-two Spirits of Nature. It is possible to learn the names, attributes and virtues of these Spirits and to invoke their assistance for all kinds of good work. They are always close by and they ask nothing better than to be useful, for God created them to help the servants of light. It can be extremely useful to know these things.

Rocks and mountains bear an indelible record all of human history
God has conceived creation in such a way that the earth—particularly mountains and rocks—bears the record of human history from the very earliest times, billions of years ago. This is something which human beings will, one day, learn to decipher; they will learn to get all their knowledge from nature, for the minerals of the world are one immense library, the greatest archives in existence, and it is they that will reveal the past history of man.

Every word, every thought or gesture, every sentiment, either good or bad, is reflected and leaves traces of its passing on the surrounding objects. And these traces are virtually indelible; they are hidden deep beneath other traces which are constantly being laid on top of them, but they are still there and it is possible to retrieve them.

Initiates can recount the different periods through which mankind has passed
It is these traces that constitute what is known as the Akashic Records and they can be studied by those who are interested and capable of doing so. Many Initiates in the past have studied the history of humanity as it is recorded in these Archives: they have gone into the whole thing in great detail and have transmitted much of what they discovered to us.

The first thing to do when you buy or receive something is to ask the Invisible World to purify and exorcise it, in case persons or events have left discordant traces on it which could have a negative effect on you.

Begin, therefore, by asking Heaven to send you entities that know how to rid the object or place of all negative particles or influences. Secondly, invite some spirits or entities of light to dwell in it—if it is a house or land—or to impregnate it with good vibrations so that it will have a beneficial influence on you. If you do this for everything, absolutely everything, even the clothes you buy and wear, you will see how enormously you will be helped, encouraged and strengthened. Your life will take on new meaning and you will bless Heaven for this new light.

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov,
The Bonfin, 16 July 1967

Complete Works Volume 32. Fruits of the Tree of Life