Nutrition & Respiration

Harmony and Unity

2015-01-13T14:03:48+00:00January 13th, 2015|About - Daily Posts, Initiatic Science, Methods & Daily Practices, Nutrition & Respiration|

“Today, there is a growing spirit of anarchy abroad in the world. It is almost as though there were schools in which people learned to disrupt society by inciting others to anger and a spirit of revolt. The forces of darkness are at work, it is they that are responsible for this diabolical work.  Some [...]

The way you walk

2017-07-09T09:51:31+01:00January 12th, 2015|About - Daily Posts, Initiatic Science, Nutrition & Respiration, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, The Spiritual Journey|

"It is very important to be aware of how you walk. You must walk with a light, elastic step, keeping your head up. It is a bad sign to walk bent, with your eyes on the ground, or to pound the ground heel first at every step. People who walk like that do not realize [...]

Breathing exercises are good for mental work

2015-07-09T22:55:05+01:00November 9th, 2014|About - Daily Posts, Aura Yoga and Chakras, Nutrition & Respiration|

Cosmic Intelligence has given humans the means to penetrate mysteries, and breathing is one of these means. If philosophers applied themselves to the practice of conscious breathing, they would solve problems that are still only enigmas for them. The ability to think is linked to breathing. Even if the lungs do not act directly on [...]

The difference between meat and vegetarian food

2016-11-17T15:07:48+00:00October 5th, 2014|About - Daily Posts, Cosmos, the Universe & Symbols, Destiny & Reincarnation, Nutrition & Respiration|

The difference between meat and vegetarian food lies in the amount of solar rays they contain. Fruit and vegetables are so impregnated with solar light that they can be said to be a condensation of light. When we eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable we therefore absorb sunlight, which leaves no waste in [...]

The Solar Plexus

2016-11-17T15:07:48+00:00September 5th, 2014|About - Daily Posts, Health & Happiness, Initiatic Science, Methods & Daily Practices, Nutrition & Respiration, The Spiritual Journey|

"There are ways of communicating directly with one’s solar plexus and getting it to give orders for the solution of certain problems. This is something that will be studied in the future. The very best way is to live a pure, sensible, luminous life. Your way of life will affect your plexus and make it freer, [...]

Water recharges the Solar Plexus

2014-06-07T00:04:07+01:00June 7th, 2014|About - Daily Posts, Nutrition & Respiration|

"You can strengthen your solar plexus by watching and listening to running water, a fountain, a spring or a waterfall. These methods are so simple that they seem insignificant, but you can get considerable benefit from them. Running water affects the solar plexus and gives it renewed vigour and it can then more effectively get rid of harmful elements. [...]

The Solar Plexus

2014-06-06T19:36:59+01:00June 6th, 2014|About - Daily Posts, Initiatic Science, Nutrition & Respiration|

The solar plexus is an extremely important centre, and we must be careful to avoid whatever makes it tense because this, in turn, leads to the contraction of the blood vessels and other ducts and canals of the body. And if the blood and other body fluids can’t circulate fast enough, waste products build up [...]


2019-07-22T23:03:40+01:00May 27th, 2014|About - Daily Posts, Initiatic Science, Methods & Daily Practices, Nutrition & Respiration|

The mystery of life is to be found in respiration, breathing. It is not in the air we breathe, nor in the act of breathing, but in an element that is superior to air and which is nourished by air: the element fire. Yes, life is contained in fire, heat, and the function of air is to [...]

Conscious Respiration and Meditation

2019-07-22T21:29:50+01:00May 27th, 2014|About - Daily Posts, Consciouness & Meditation, Initiatic Science, Methods & Daily Practices, Nutrition & Respiration|

Our role is not to condense or materialize energy; it is already sufficiently condensed. Our role is, rather, to set it free, to release it. The great Initiates, who know this law of the disintegration of matter, are capable of disintegrating a few thousands of a milligram of the matter of their brain and, with [...]

Laughter – its benefits

2016-11-17T15:07:50+00:00May 26th, 2014|About - Daily Posts, Health & Happiness, Mind, Body, Soul & Spirit, Nutrition & Respiration|

"Laughter is not necessarily synonymous with superficiality, carelessness or a lack of seriousness, and it can even have a more beneficial effect on the mind than the grave expression which some think characteristic of sages. For laughter contains lively energies that nourish the brain. Laughing also allows us to recover and to bounce back. Events [...]