The Christ must come first within the minds of human beings, where He comes as wisdom. Then He will descend into their hearts, which represents the realm of water, where He manifests as love…

Part 5 of 7 – The man Jesus and the Cosmic Principle of the Christ

It is very naïve to await the coming of the Christ as an event which takes place in time. For the Christ exists neither in time nor space: He lives in infinity and eternity. So, whether we say that He has come, He is coming or He will come, it amounts to the same thing. There is no date for His coming. As we must not confuse the coming of the Christ with that of Jesus, we should not await His return. We only need to start work for Him to be born and manifested within us. It is time to abandon all these dreams concerning the returning Christ.

You will say: ‘But it is written that he will return on clouds!’ But we must understand that these clouds are symbolic! Clouds, which belong to the realm of air, symbolically represent the mental plane. So, the Christ must come first within the minds of human beings, where He comes as wisdom. Then He will descend into their hearts, which represents the realm of water, where He manifests as love. And finally, when this wisdom and this love are accomplished in their actions, we can say that the Christ is truly establishing His kingdom on earth.

So, the Gospels can only be deciphered if we understand the language of symbols, which is the universal language. To those who do not understand this language, they will remain closed forever. And then, what do you believe? In the present state of affairs, even if Jesus returned, it would be of no use; he would disrupt the interests of so many people that they would all unite to get rid of him.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov – Sons and Daughters of God, Izvor Book 240,
Chap.7, The man Jesus and the Cosmic Principle of the Christ
To be continued…