Wishing our readers every blessing this Easter, and may it be a time for renewal for all of us.

With our warmest wishes, The Journey with Omraam Team.

‘It is such a pity that at Easter each year everything renews itself, except human beings. This renewal takes place only in nature, and human beings are so intent on things of the past that they barely even notice it is happening. You must be free and unencumbered and welcome this new life with open arms. Of course, everyone is stirred to some extent, particularly the young: they don’t understand what is going on, but they feel a new ardour, a need to love.

The voice that all the seeds hear calling to them to stir themselves, to wake up and begin to grow, is extraordinarily powerful, but most people are deaf to it and remain unmoved, like stagnant waters. This period of the spring equinox is extremely important for initiates, for they know how to put it to good use in their work of purification and regeneration. Yes, for it is not enough to rejoice in the fact that the birds are singing, the flowers are pushing up from the ground and people are feeling a little happier than usual…

How can you be blind to the fact that the whole of nature is mindful of us human beings? Every spring it supplies us with enough energy and enthusiasm for the rest of the year. Why should we let all the gifts of spring pass us by without seizing any of them?’

This is the start of a beautiful series to reflect on over Easter Read more