Yes, in spite of its brevity, the ‘Our Father’ is an exceptional masterpiece. You can work on this prayer your entire life, and even beyond into your future lives, and you will never exhaust its contents, for it is like a seed which everyone can bury deep in their inner soil.

Part 7 of 7 – The man Jesus and the Cosmic Principle of the Christ

“The essential is stated in the Lord’s Prayer: the ‘Our Father’. This prayer does not even fill a page, but these few lines are enough to reveal what science Jesus possessed. Yes, in spite of its brevity, the ‘Our Father’ is an exceptional masterpiece. You can work on this prayer your entire life, and even beyond into your future lives, and you will never exhaust its contents, for it is like a seed which everyone can bury deep in their inner soil. A seed is miniscule. It weighs only a few milligrams, and a light breeze will carry it away, but sow it and every day you will see it grow: new branches, flowers, fruits.

That is what I did with the ‘Our Father’: I took this seed, I planted it in the soil of my being, I tended it, I watered it, gave it warmth and light, and now it has become a tree whose roots sink deeply into my soul and whose top reaches heavenwards. That is why, I can tell you, we can endlessly deepen our understanding of this prayer. It encompasses all realms of life, it touches all our psychic and spiritual processes and it gives meaning to our existence.

How many things there are to understand in these few words! If our Father is in heaven, it means our true homeland is above, in the divine world. And instead of representing this Father in the likeness of fathers on earth – why do humans always find the means to belittle beings and things by bringing them down to their own level? We must work hard inwardly in order to raise our consciousness to this Father, to understand these heavens from where we originate and to know what it means to be a son or daughter of God.

Fortunately, the divine spirit which inhabits all religions never allows itself to be completely suffocated and, like a fire still smouldering beneath the ashes, awaits the right moment to be re-ignited. So, we need not worry about religions, even when they are apparently dead and buried, for, in reality, they are preparing to be reborn in a different form.

It is humans we must worry about, humans who do not know what they are losing when they make no effort to discover the presence of their heavenly Father and Mother within their own being, nor to recognize themselves as Their children.”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov – Sons and Daughters of God, Izvor Book 240,
Chap.7, The man Jesus and the Cosmic Principle of the Christ
