‘Today is the beginning of a new year. And because the first twelve days of a year are related to all twelve months, do your best to live them as well as you can so as to give a solid foundation to the whole year. Tell yourself that there is not one of your thoughts, feelings or wishes that is without consequence. They are like seeds you sow in the soil of your soul, and these seeds will germinate.

It is the earth’s vocation to help seeds to grow. Once they are sown, it feeds them, and water, air and sunlight also play a part in their development. So, take care: if you sow nettles and thistles in your inner soil, through either neglect or ill will, do not expect to see wheat grow.

During this, the first day of the year, the seeds you sow can also be words, like ‘joy’, ‘light’, ‘peace’, ‘love’, ‘hope’… Ask yourself what these words really mean, and bury them in the depths of your soul. Watch over them, and you will feel them working to germinate little by little within you. In this way, your whole year will be lived among fertile fields and gardens filled with flowers.

What you find at the end of the Path is indescribable
You would like to hear me give only promises of success and happiness in the New Year. But since existence is a long chain of moments that must be lived with awareness one after the other, I can only tell you the truth: your future happiness lies in work and effort.

All the efforts you make are recorded on high in the book of life, and what blessings are being prepared for you thanks to these efforts! When you receive them, you will wonder, ‘Why all these gifts?’ and the reply will be, ‘Because, by means of your work, you have risen to the regions of light, and you have also brought light and peace to those in distress and darkness.’

There is nothing more I can say. Keep walking the path of light. What will be at the end of the path? You will find out when you arrive, and you will be dazzled.’

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Wishing all our dear friends a year filled with light and joy, Valerie, John and Alvaro