The kingdom of God has to be established first of all as a light, as intelligence in the minds of human beings. Secondly, it will enter the heart as a sensation, as happiness, and finally, it will descend to the physical plane where it will manifest itself as abundance and peace. This is possible. I am working for this. The only trouble is that there are so few people who understand me.

Nature’s sublime intelligence has foreseen everything and has the solution to all our problems
The way in which the intelligence of nature has designed and constructed human beings teaches us an important lesson. If a person is fit and healthy, it is because all their organs are willing to live and work together in an unselfish spirit of brotherhood and generosity. If all the countries in the world did the same the kingdom of God would be possible.

Many people complain at something that makes others smile. It is very difficult for someone who has never smoked and who hates the smell of tobacco to start smoking; while others find it all too easy to smoke… and so terribly difficult to give it up.

It would be impossible for an honest man to pick somebody’s pocket; but it is equally impossible for a pick-pocket to refrain from doing so. For some people, therefore, it is very difficult to establish the kingdom of God, but for me it is very easy. Give me people who are really capable of understanding me and you will see what I shall do.

Our education is deficient because it is not based on an understanding of the nature of human beings
Human beings will find no solutions to their problems without a knowledge of their own nature. So far, the only thing they understand about themselves is their physical dimension, and this is why the solutions they apply are no more than palliatives. They often have the impression that they have solved a problem only to find shortly afterwards that the solution itself has caused other problems.

Medicine is a case in point: very often the treatment for one illness causes another. And in the field of education it is the same thing: with all the improvements in the material equipment of schools, do children learn to lead better lives? No, education is deficient because it is not based on an understanding of the nature of human beings.

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Complete Works Volume 26, A New Dawn, Society and Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science
Chapter 5, The Kingdom of God