Whatever their degree of evolution, every human being possesses this divine nature at least as a seed, and his life on earth has meaning only if they become aware of the need to develop this seed within. Whatever spiritual master they follow, they have no other task than to cultivate this divine seed.

Part 6 of 7 – The man Jesus and the Cosmic Principle of the Christ

The Christ can come only if humans have done the necessary work to attract Him to themselves. In every human being who comes into the world, the divine principle always comes to incarnate, this principle Christians call the Christ. Yes, the sacrifice that God made in sending ‘His Son’, an emanation of Himself, is repeated each time a child is born. It is then up to this child to work all his life, so that his divine nature, the Christ, increases its power over his human nature – meaning his physical nature and his psychic nature – so rendering it a servant.

In Jesus, the fusion of human nature and divine nature was perfect. He could identify with his heavenly Father because he had succeeded in dispelling all the toxic matter that prevented this fusion. Whatever their degree of evolution, every human being possesses this divine nature at least as a seed, and his life on earth has meaning only if they become aware of the need to develop this seed within. Whatever spiritual master they follow, they have no other task than to cultivate this divine seed.

So, Jesus is not God who came to incarnate at a given moment in history. But, at a given moment of history, there came a being who had become highly aware of his dignity as a son of God, and he wanted to teach men and women that they, too, were sons and daughters of God, bearers of the Christ.

A religion must basically have as its goal the transformation and improvement of human beings, and human beings cannot improve themselves if they are constantly being told that their founder was of a different nature to themselves. Christians can only truly claim to be disciples of Jesus if they try to imitate his example and become like him, because they are of the same nature as him.

The Christ does not belong to some little society somewhere. And has God deprived other planets of His presence? Perhaps the Christ has also incarnated on other planets! Since God is love, He has been to visit them too.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov – Sons and Daughters of God, Izvor Book 240,
Chap.7, The man Jesus and the Cosmic Principle of the Christ
To be continued…

Image: Sacred Geometry and Sephirotic Tree
