Clairvoyance & Magic

The Three Great Laws of Magic –  The Law of Echo, Post 7/7

2016-10-28T07:41:59+02:00octobre 28th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Clairvoyance & Magic, Good & Evil|

The Cosmos is an immense sounding Board-  Everything in life can be studied from several different points of view: physical, chemical, astronomical, political, financial and so on, and each point of view is valid. But until you study things from the point of view of magic you cannot know the one thing that really matters. [...]

The Three Great Laws of Magic – The Law of Affinity, Post 6/7

2016-11-17T15:07:14+01:00octobre 25th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Clairvoyance & Magic, Good & Evil|

By our vibrations we attract higher beings from the invisible world who will come and help us- Those who have studied the relationship that exists between human beings and the cosmos have discovered that there is an absolute correspondence between them. Each vibration has a tendency to seek out and unite itself to another vibration of [...]

Magic – ancient secrets are now available to all, Part 3/7

2016-11-17T15:07:14+01:00octobre 19th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Clairvoyance & Magic, Good & Evil|

But books on Magic do not make one more balanced and wiser- 'It is disturbing to see the ever-growing interest in books about magic and the occult sciences: far from expressing a need for genuine spirituality, it is a sign of men’s eagerness to immerse themselves in things unknown, in all that is mysterious and [...]

We all work Black or White Magic every day, Part 1/7

2016-10-15T16:22:42+02:00octobre 15th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Clairvoyance & Magic, Traditions of the East & West|

Do we practice white or black magic? Many people are alarmed at the sound of the word ‘Magic’. And yet, every single one of us works magic; in fact all day long, we do nothing else. But we imagine that to work magic means to perform strange ceremonies, wear bizarre clothes, murmur incantations or pronounce spells [...]

It is the Spirit inside us that knows everything

2016-06-29T15:26:30+02:00juin 29th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Clairvoyance & Magic, Consciouness & Meditation|

‘The question of spirit and matter is infinite for, in other forms, spirit and matter are to be found everywhere: as man and woman, positive and negative, emissive and receptive, heaven and earth. Nothing is more important than these two principles, and if we are to avoid attaching undue importance to one of them to [...]

Space is filled with billions of invisible beings

2016-11-17T15:07:16+01:00juin 12th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Clairvoyance & Magic, Good & Evil, Nature & the Invisible|

'Space is filled with billions of invisible entities, many of which are malicious and have sworn to destroy mankind. To be sure, it is also filled with billions of luminous entities that are there to help and protect you, but their help and protection will never be wholly effective if you yourselves do not make the [...]