Destiny & Reincarnation

Many initiates have reincarnated as scientists, Part 1/7

2016-11-08T19:46:01+01:00novembre 8th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Destiny & Reincarnation, Initiatic Science|

I can show you—in fact I have often done so—that the discoveries of science prove the truth of initiatic science, but this is something that neither scientists nor religious people have ever understood. For me there is no contradiction between science and religion; they go hand in hand. In fact they go hand in hand [...]

The Life Beyond – everything in our life is recorded, Part 5/5

2016-11-17T15:07:14+01:00septembre 30th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Destiny & Reincarnation, Nature & the Invisible|

'But let me get back to the most important: whether or not we believe in the life of the soul after death, without our knowing it, everything we do is recorded. Nature does much more wonderful things than even the most skilled electronic engineer: at the apex of each human’s heart, she places a tiny [...]

The Life Beyond – meeting the Creator, Part 4/5

2016-11-17T15:07:14+01:00septembre 28th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Destiny & Reincarnation, Nature & the Invisible|

On the Buddhic plane we become one with the Universal Soul. 'Their next step is to rise to the Causal plane, and there they receive the secret treasures of Wisdom; all the mysteries of the universe are revealed to them; they are allowed to see and contemplate all the beauty of the Heavenly regions. Later, [...]