‘Meditation is an activity by which the intellect endeavours to penetrate spiritual truths.

Contemplation is an activity of the heart or the soul which dwells on an image, a quality or a virtue in order to rejoice in its light and beauty and be in communion with it.

And on a higher level than meditation and contemplation is the magical activity of Identification by which the will and the spirit identify with the Creator in order to create.

Each day is different

Some days, we feel inclined to work with the mind: to think, and search and ponder; this is meditation. On other days, finding ourselves in a state of harmony, peace and bliss, we feel drawn to contemplate. And then there are other days when our will manifests itself more strongly and we feel the desire to do something, to create, to set in motion invisible forces. You have all certainly experienced these three states even though you may not always have recognized them or been able to define them.

Recognising our state of mind

But it is time now for you to know yourselves better. You must learn to recognize your state of mind, the nature of the work you have been doing and the faculty that predominated in that activity. Depending on your individual nature and the relative development of your intellect, heart and will, each of you will, of course, have a greater affinity for one kind of activity than for another.

This is why you must know yourselves and know which of these three faculties is more highly developed in you, and which is the least developed. In this way you will be in a position to remedy any deficiencies. But let me give you a piece of advice: always work with the faculty that is most strongly developed and, from time to time only, try to do something to strengthen those that are weakest.

Working with our strongest point

Do not try to work exclusively with your weakest faculties on the pretext that they need to be exercised. It is far better to find your strongest point and work with it and then, from time to time, you can try to remedy your shortcomings, for if you abandon your wealth and pay attention only to your poverty, your progress will be slow and you are liable to be discouraged. On the contrary, you must put your best talents, gifts and faculties to work, for wealth attracts wealth and it is only when you have earned a great deal of wealth that you will be in a position to do something about your deficiencies.’

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


Complete Works Vol. 18, Know Thyself: Jnana Yoga – Part 2
Chapter 6, Concentration, Meditation, Contemplation and Identifiation