Mikhaël had injured his knee, it was not getting better and he was finding it difficult to walk. One day, some friends who often came to visit him decided to urge him into playing a more active role in his recovery. ‘Why don’t you try to heal yourself?’ they asked. ‘How can I?’ Mikhaël responded. ‘By the power of thought! You are perfectly capable.’

‘I would have to concentrate for a very long time,’ replied Mikhaël, ‘and I am too busy.’ The fact was that his knee was painful only when he tried to walk, and, deeply absorbed in his study of astrology, he was quite happy to stay in his room and work. Also, in what he thought to be his birth-chart he found an indication of a health problem that would prevent him from walking, and this motivated him to devote hours to prayer and meditation in a desire to purify himself.

But after a month of being confined to his room, he decided he had had enough. His knee was still purple and badly swollen, and he resolved to try to heal it ‘by the power of thought, by love, by the spirit’. Summoning all his mental resources, he created a beam of brilliant light and focused it on the swollen knee. After concentrating for a long time, he gradually began to feel a gentle warmth followed by the burning sensation of light penetrating his knee.

He continued in this way until at last he sensed a movement, a tremendous influx of force in his very bones. Within a few minutes he fell asleep and awoke next morning to find his leg completely healed. Surprisingly, he himself was astonished by his success, even though this was not the first time he had experienced something of the kind; he had often achieved spectacular results through the powers of thought. But, as some of his friends remarked, for Mikhaël everything was always new. He never became blasé, or considered himself an expert.

Louise-Marie Frenette,
Extract from The Life of a Master in the West  (Amazon, ‘look inside’)
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