Cosmic Balance: The Secret of Polarity
Creation is the work of the Two. But what is the Two? It is the One polarized as positive and negative, masculine and feminine, active and passive. Manifestation necessarily implies partition, division. In order to manifest and reveal itself, the One has to divide itself. Unity is the privilege of God alone, his own exclusive domain. But in order to create, God, who never ceases to be One, had to become Two.
The One cannot create, for in unity there is no reciprocity. In becoming polarized, therefore, God projected himself outside himself and from these two poles the universe was born. Positive and negative poles are mutually attractive and it is this mechanism of reciprocal action and reaction that originates and sustains the movement of life.

Two fundamental principles in the universe are reflected in every single manifestation of nature and of life: they are the masculine and feminine principles. The whole of creation is the result of the concerted work of these two principles which are replicas of the two creative principles of the cosmos: the Heavenly Father and the Divine Mother, of which men and women are also the reflection. The two principles must work in conjunction: alone, each one is barren.

Seen from the physical viewpoint only, human beings are either male or female and display the precise and immediately recognizable characteristics of one or the other. But from the psychic point of view, it is much more complex, as each person possesses both the masculine and feminine principles within them, and you cannot limit men to only the masculine principle or women to only the feminine principle.
In the Chinese Taoist philosophy, this idea is represented by the yin/yang symbol: the black part, yin, representing the feminine principle, contains a white dot, and the white part, yang, representing the masculine principle, contains a black dot, to express how the masculine always contains a feminine part and the feminine a masculine part. Men and women are not abstract principles but living combinations of masculine and feminine in unequal proportions, and they can change sex from one incarnation to the next. Indeed, each person has to experience both conditions, in order to acquire the qualities of the masculine and feminine principles in all their fullness.

yin yang 1

Like masculine and feminine, full and empty are two inseparable notions. Empty attracts full so that it may be filled and full seeks out empty to give it its fullness. Since the beginning of time this coming together of empty and full has created and maintained life…

In many Indian temples, you see the lingam, the symbol of Shiva, represented – a raised stem on a horizontal base. Those who give commentaries on the symbol often stop at the raised stem, which represents the phallus, the generative organ, the masculine principle. In fact, you should also take into account the horizontal base, which represents the feminine principle. The masculine principle is the spirit, working on the feminine principle, matter. The whole of creation is simply the result of these two principles working together. And so they should not be thought of as separate in spiritual practice either. In India you still come across men and women with a red dot painted between their eyebrows. That is where the ajna chakra, the centre of clairvoyance, of spiritual vision, is situated. But if you concentrate on this chakra, which is receptive, feminine, you should also concentrate on the sahasrara chakra, situated at the top of the skull, which is emissive, masculine. When the two principles are brought together, they become a living lingam.

lingam India


– Extract of an improvised talk of april 05, 1980 – By nourishing themselves with light, human beings free themselves from their lower natures.
The importance of self control in love affairs. The correspondences in astrology with Mars and Venus.