Health & Happiness

Should we consult mediums, clairvoyants and astrologists?

2016-08-14T11:02:29+02:00août 14th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Health & Happiness, Light and the Sun|

'Sometimes when we see what the world is like, we may have good reason to be pessimistic, disoriented and anxious. And so what should be done? Some people will consult psychologists and psychoanalysts... Others will consult astrologists, mediums, clairvoyants, as they do more and more nowadays, in order to be reassured. That goes to show [...]

Optimism or pessimism – indicators of one’s philosophy

2016-08-11T12:12:33+02:00août 10th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Health & Happiness, Light and the Sun|

Optimists consider new projects enthusiastically - During the course of a day we meet different people. While some people only dwell on what is going badly and what, according to them, will continue to go badly or even worse, others only notice and remember what is good and encouraging and continue on their way exclaiming: [...]

Mikhaël’s modesty regarding his psychic gifts

2016-06-16T20:13:53+02:00juin 16th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Health & Happiness, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov|

Mikhaël never tried to pressure people or to use his clairvoyance or other psychic gifts to attract or impress. When asked if he was clairvoyant, he denied it, saying that at best he could ‘sometimes feel things a little’. He never encouraged people to consult clairvoyants, for the good reason that to do so was [...]

Our joys and sorrows are linked to the presence of invisible creatures

2016-11-17T15:07:16+01:00juin 9th, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Clairvoyance & Magic, Health & Happiness, Nature & the Invisible|

'The whole of our existence is governed and permeated by the invisible world. Even our sensations of well-being and joy—as, equally, those of pain and sorrow—are linked to the presence of invisible creatures that have been attracted to us by the way we live. For my part, I believe in the invisible world; in fact, I [...]

Ask and it will be given to you!

2017-07-08T21:18:01+02:00février 23rd, 2016|About - Daily Posts, Harmony & Peace in the World, Health & Happiness, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov|

'Ask and it will be given to you... Seek, and you will find... Knock, and it will be opened to you...’ 'At first sight, these precepts seem to be very simple. ‘Ask’, for instance... is there anything we don’t ask for? We all have families, friends and lovers and we never stop asking God and [...]