You say that what you miss most in your life are friends who understand you, that you cannot find anywhere the understanding you so desperately need. Ask yourself first of all what it is you want others to understand in you.

And even if it is your aspirations for the light, for beauty and truth, why do you expect others to penetrate your heart and soul to find out what is going on there? You should be content with the understanding and support of the angels, of the luminous entities that populate space, and of God himself who created you.

As for the rest – your sensations, your moods, your likes and dislikes – tell yourself clearly that these are only matters of temperament, that we each have our own, and that it isn’t so important for others to take an interest in them and understand them.

Besides, are you sure you truly understand yourself? No, and yet you expect others to understand you! If you complain that people don’t understand you, it is a sign you are not yet ready to be understood. Say instead, ‘I will try to understand as many people as I can, and I will do everything I can to succeed in this,’ and you will soon see the results of this attitude. Others will begin to love you: they will love you because you understand them.

And because they love you, they will eventually understand you as well. If you persist in saying people don’t understand you, they never will. By this attitude you cast veils over the eyes of others. Stop feeling you are not understood, and these veils will fall away.

It is pointless to demand understanding, love and friendship if you don’t first learn where and how to look for them. Are you waiting for them to come to you by way of men and women who will bring you exactly what you wish for? But they are waiting for the same thing! And so, wherever you go you see poor, miserable creatures wandering along life’s paths like empty vessels waiting to be filled.

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Izvor Book 242, The Wellsprings of Eternal Joy
Chapter 14 Always reach for new heights