The New Moon of May is two days old, a perfect time to introduce our theme for the month which is ‘Consciousness’ and the associated practices of Meditation and Yoga. This table shows the themes for each month of the year and some suggested books on the subject. Read more.

‘A great many of the problems of our day come from the fact that people in the West have upset the balance within themselves. The focus of their attention is on their intellect, their brain, instead of their energy centres like their chakras and their life-centre, the Hara centre. As a result these inner centres cannot function as they should; they are rusty, the currents cannot flow.

This period would be an auspicious time to start work on a ‘rust removal’ project to get our energy centres functioning the way they should.

Too much focus on cerebral activity
‘Too much thinking, too many cares, too much cerebral activity have unbalanced human beings. This is why, when their system receives a shock of any kind they are so easily knocked off balance: their centre of gravity which would normally remedy the situation is not functioning correctly. This is because human beings have been taught to look for what they need outside themselves. This is why your inner centres cannot function as they should; they are rusty, the currents cannot flow.

The important thing then is to put some things into practice and to accomplish some real work in this area, and this work is on our inner resources. I know very well that you won’t like it when I say this, because human beings have been taught to look for what they need outside themselves.

The real work is on our inner resources
Of course, there are a few mystics, philosophers and spiritualists who are accustomed to working with their inner resources, but the great majority of human beings are cripples in this respect: they have neither the strength nor the will to work on themselves. This explains why there are so few true Initiates. Even in the East, where there are hundreds and thousands of yogis, sadhus and monks who practise these exercises, very few get any results.

Yes, because it is not easy, and the question of reincarnation comes into it too. If you are only just beginning and these centres have been left idle and immobile for centuries, you cannot expect to do much with them. But for those who have already worked at them in previous incarnations and who continue to do so now, the situation is different; they will get some results more easily.

Start work in this incarnation
And now, what should you do about it?  Start working at it in this incarnation for, if you don’t begin now, you will not be able to do so next time, either. You may not obtain any very sensational results, at once, but that does not matter; at least you will have made a start. In your next incarnation you will go on from there, and then you will get substantial results. The important thing is to begin. Success or the lack of it does not matter: what matters is to get the divine currents flowing.’

To be continued…

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Complete Works Volume 6, Harmony
Chapter 10, The Hara Centre