Most men and women think that the notion of another world peopled with innumerable invisible beings that are just as real, and often a great deal more highly evolved than those they rub shoulders with every day, is too far-fetched, too ridiculous to be taken seriously. To their way of thinking, anything that cannot be perceived by human beings or by one of the highly sophisticated instruments used by scientists simply does not exist.

This is very faulty reasoning. We must always seek the invisible behind what is visible. If the world exists for you, if you can see the earth and the sky and the sun, it is because there is an invisible principle within you that enables you to see them through the visible instruments of your eyes. If that invisible principle were not there your eyes would be no use at all, you would not see anything with them. The visible world is simply the outer wrapping of the invisible world, without which we could know nothing of what exists around us.

This is Part 1 of a very popular series originally posted in 2015. We thought we would repost it for our new members. Read more